Creative Distillation Research Podcast

cover art of the Creative Distillation podcast

Creative Distillation is co-hosted by the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship's Research Director Jeff York and Faculty Director Brad Werner. Each episode distills entrepreneurship research into actionable insights.

What Is the Creative Distillation Podcast?

The nexus for this podcast came about through conversations between Jeff and Brad about the value of entrepreneurship research. Brad brings a strong business perspective to the Deming Center that compliments Jeff’s focus on academic research. In each episode the pair will focus on a recent study and highlight how this academic research is valuable to not only our students, but the broader startup community.

It just so happens Boulder has a booming industry for spirits and craft beer, so it’s only natural to visit a new location each episode and enjoy a tasty beverage while distilling the latest research.

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Creative Distillation is produced by Joel Davis at Analog/Digital Arts. Our theme music is "Whiskey Before Breakfast" performed by Jeff York on mandolin, Brad Werner on rhythm guitar, Philip Fernbach on lead guitar, Jayden Kazantsev on bass, and Bella Sherry on banjo. The show receives production and marketing support from Erik Jeffries, Jesse Burns, Pilar Pheffer, Eloise Popiel, and Stefani Harrison.

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Creative Distillation Team from right to left: Stefani Harrison, Joel Davis, Jeff York, Brad Werner, and Eloise Popiel

Creative Distillation Team from right to left: Stefani Harrison, Joel Davis, Jeff York, Brad Werner, and Eloise Popiel


Creative Distillation - Transcript for Episode 60: Katie Wallace, Head of ESG, New Belgium Brewing

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They are joined by Thomas J. Dean, Tinberg Business for a Better World University Professor at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, who’s a big fan and friend of New Belgium, as well as our guest for this episode. Katie stays with us for a little bit, for a fascinating discussion about “selling out vs selling in”, something New Belgium knows a lot about. It’s also the topic of Tom’s paper: Lost Battles, Trojan Horses, Open Gates, and Wars Won: How Entrepreneurial Firms Co-Create Structures to Expand and Infuse Their Sustainability Missions in the Acquisition Process. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 60: Katie Wallace, Head of ESG, New Belgium Brewing

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This time, Brad and Jeff take the show on the road, an hour up I-25 to Ft. Collins and the home of New Belgium Brewing, one of the original Colorado craft brewers. There, they speak with Katie Wallace, Head of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) at New Belgium, about the brewer’s incredible origin story, which begins in 1991 in a Ft. Collins basement. They’re also joined by Thomas J. Dean, Tinberg Business for a Better World University Professor at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins. He’s a Ft. Collins local and a longtime fan and friend of New Belgium. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 59: Unpublished! Jeff's Secret Research Into Public-Private Partnerships

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This week on Creative Distillation, Brad and Jeff are still at The Burns Pub, where Brad tricks Jeff into discussing his own research — a first for Creative Distillation. Jeff tells us about an unpublished working paper that explores a public-private partnership addressing climate change through entrepreneurship, right here in beautiful Boulder. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 58: Jonathan Odde, Founder, The Burns Pub

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This week on Creative Distillation, Brad and Jeff conduct field research at The Burns Pub, a truly authentic British Public House located in Broomfield, Colorado. With a delicious menu of handmade pub delicacies, and a full selection of beer and over 600 whiskies, The Burns is the spot for your fish and chips, Fullers and 15-year Fettercairn fix. Brad and Jeff are hosted by The Burns founder and owner, Jonny Odde, who walks them through the pub’s direct UK lineage, its history and success in Broomfield, and a quality tasting of some quality spirits. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 57: Trent Williams (BYU) on the "Architecture of Hope" + Sweet Cow Ice Cream

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This week on Creative Distillation, there’s a sweet twist to this episode as Brad and Jeff are joined by Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Brigham Young University Trent Williams for a tasting of frozen treats from Sweet Cow, a Colorado-based ice cream chain trying to make a better world, in addition to amazing ice cream. Vegan ice cream, sorbet or regular ol’ straight up ice cream…which will be the favorite? Stay tuned for this revelation, as well as a wider-ranging discussion about Trent’s recent research, extensive academic career and his focus on new venture emergence and innovation in crisis conditions. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 56: Year-end Undergrad Q&A at Boulder's legendary Sundown Saloon

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This week on Creative Distillation, Jeff and Brad go underground, to Boulder, Colorado’s legendary Sundown Saloon. In the words of Joel, our producer, "it’s a 5-star dive bar." It’s getting near the end of the semester, and Brad and Jeff hold court here to take questions from several of Brad’s undergraduate entrepreneurship students. Brad must be doing something right, because his students ask some very good questions. Of course, he and Jeff offer some great and useful answers. Whether you’re still in school or not, there are some solid takeaways here. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 55: Ethan Poskanzer (Colorado) and the Consequences of Workplace Protest Participation

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This week on Creative Distillation, Jeff and Brad speak with CU Assistant Professor for Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Operations, Ethan Poskanzer about his recent paper, "The Career Consequences of Workplace Protest Participation: Theory and Evidence from the NFL 'Take a Knee' Movement" co-written with Alexandra Rheinhardt and Forrest Briscoe in Organization Science. Ethan breaks down the research on employee activism and how it can influence an individual’s organizational and labor market mobility outcomes. They investigate this premise with the 2016 National Football League “take a knee” protests as a strategic research setting. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 54: It's the Great Pumpkin Beer Episode!

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This week on Creative Distillation, it’s the Great Pumpkin Beer Episode! Hosts Brad and Jeff convene in Jeff’s gaming dungeon for a thoroughly expert and entertaining tasting of pumpkin beer, hand-selected by our host, a true pumpkin connoisseur. Joined by fellow lover of fall and CU Assistant Professor for Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Operations, Ethan Poskanzer. You’ll laugh, then laugh some more, and gain a deeper understanding of pumpkin beer — whether you like it or not. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 53: Ted Waldron (Texas Tech) on The Battle for Balcones Distilling

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This week on Creative Distillation, we’re still at Dry Land Distillers, with Brad and Jeff talking to the “whiskey academic,” Ted Waldron, Professor of Management and the Kent R. Hance Regents Chair in Entrepreneurship at Texas Tech University’s Rawls College of Business. They discuss a number of topics and go off on several tangents, mostly related to Ted’s recent paper, "Entrepreneur-investor rivalry over new venture control: The battle for Balcones Distilling," published in 2022 in the Journal of Business Venturing. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 52: SEASON 5 PREMIERE! Nels Wroe, Founder and President, Dry Land Distillers

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Welcome to Season 5 of Creative Distillation! We’ve got an exciting new season in store for you, and we kick it off at Dry Land Distillers in downtown Longmont, Colorado. Dry Land founder and president Nels Wroe first appeared on Creative Distillation episode #17, via Zoom during those dark pandemic days. Ever since, we’ve been eager to check out their new space on Main Street in Longmont. It did not disappoint, and Brad and Jeff had a great time speaking with Nels about how Dry Land survived Covid and why their product selection and distilling process is so unique to Colorado. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 51: SEASON 4 FINALE! Q&A with Leeds MBA Students (with guest Brynn Keenan, Grist Analytics)

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This week on Creative Distillation, we’re still at Twisted Pine, with Brad and Jeff taking questions on a number of topics from our live audience of Leeds School of Business MBA students. Brynn Keenan, Founder and CEO of Grist Analytics, sticks around to lend her expertise to the proceedings. There’s a lot to learn in the season finale of Creative Distillation! Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 50: Brynn Keenan (Grist Analytics) on Turning Passion and Science Into a Successful Venture

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This week on Creative Distillation, join us for the two part, season four finale. Brad and Jeff speak with Brynn Keenan, Founder and CEO of Grist Analytics, a firm helping breweries of any size with sustainable testing, data management and other aspects of quality control in brewing. Brynn talks about how she combined her love for beer and deep scientific background into a successful company serving a wide swath of the brewing industry. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 49: Lauren Kaufmann (Virginia) & Lisa Hehenberger (Esade) on Measuring Social Impact (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, join us for our LA road trip finale as we learn about the challenges and pitfalls of social impact measurement and the importance of taking action on these opportunities with UVA Darden School of Business's Lauren Kaufmann and ESADE's Lisa Hehenberger on the last night of the 19th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference at USC Marshall School of Business. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 48: Colleen Robb (FGCU) & Julienne Shields (USASBE) on Social Entrepreneurship (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, join us for the season 4 penultimate episode at the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies as we discuss social entrepreneurship, changes in student learning styles, and the 19th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference at USC Marshall School of Business with Florida Gulf Coast University's Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Colleen Robb and U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship's President & CEO Julienne Shields. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 47: Andrea Prado (INCAE) on Venture Creation and Growth in Low-Income Markets (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation,  join us for another round of drinks during the 19th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference cocktail reception hosted by USC's Marshall School of Business. Hear from Andrea Prado, Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at INCAE Business School in San Jose, Costa Rica, as we discuss her latest paper “Serving rural low-income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth". Discover what happens when products and services are brought to low income rural communities in developing countries. The results may surprise you. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 46: Natalie Eng (Alberta) on Social Enterprise Ecosystems (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, social enterprise ecosystems are the backbone that allows socially conscious businesses to flourish. Join us at the outdoor cocktail receptions at the 19th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference as Alberta School of Business graduate researcher and Ph.D. student Natalie Eng discusses her work on understanding how these ecosystems are produced and how their infrastructure predicts venture viability. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 45: Diana Hechevarria (Texas Tech) on Linguistics and Social Entrepreneurship (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, we continue our LA Road Trip at the first of two outdoor cocktail receptions at the 19th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference hosted by USC's Marshall School of Business. Brad and Jeff are joined by Texas Tech University's Rawls College of Business Associate Professor of Management Diana Hechavarria as they discuss her latest paper "Cross-cultural implications of linguistic future time reference and institutional uncertainty on social entrepreneurship" and her work at the crossroads of female, minority, cross-cultural, social and strategic entrepreneurship. Also, our producer, Joel Davis, is attacked by rats! Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · SPECIAL EPISODE: Beer Here!: A Brew-Centric Panel Discussion at the Museum of Boulder

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This week on Creative Distillation, as part of Beer Here!: Brewing In the New West, the Museum of Boulder invited Creative Distillation to record a panel discussion in front of a live audience at the museum "speakeasy." Jeff and Brad assembled a lineup of local brewers to discuss their inspirations, challenges and successes the state of Colorado microbrewing, and the incredible sense of camaraderie Colorado's brewers share. All of this while they walk Brad and Jeff through a 10-beer tasting. Join Casey LeFever, Front of House and HR Director at 4 Noses Brewing, Chris Coin, co-founder and Chief of Brewing Operations at Sanitas Brewing, and Rick Holt, Co-Founder and Head Brewer at Kokopelli Beer Company (Colorado’s first solely woman-owned and operated brewpub) for this special edition episode! Whether you're a hophead, an entrepreneur or both, this is your dream episode. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 44: HopSaint Brewing, Torrance, CA (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, explore one of the most hoppin' breweries in California: HopSaint Brewing. Thanks to the recommendation of Real Soda In Real Bottles' Danny Ginsberg, we had to check it out, and this place does not disappoint. Join us as we discuss HopSaint's success with co-owners Brian Brewer and Steven Roberts. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 43: Sophie Bacq (Indiana) & Tom Lumpkin (Oklahoma) on Civic Wealth Creation (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, hear from Indiana University Kelley School of Business's Sophie Bacq and University of Oklahoma Price College of BusinessProfessor Emeritus of Entrepreneurship Tom Lumpkin as we learn about civic wealth creation through an entrepreneurial lens while enjoying fine craft beverages at HiDef Brewing . You'll hear how the power of networking creates amazing work while enjoying the humor of our hosts. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 42: Jill Kickul (USC), Sophie Bacq (Indiana), USC Social Entrepreneurship Conf (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, join Brad and Jeff as they discover the origins of the University of Southern California Social Entrepreneurship Conference and uncover how the inevitable (and fruitful) relationships lead to social innovation and impact measurement with conference co-presenters USC Marshall School of Business's Jill Kickul and Kelley School of Business's Sophie Bacq. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 41: Cristina Ward, Co-Founder, HiDef Brewing, Downtown Los Angeles (LA Road Trip!)

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This week on Creative Distillation, Brad is back and joins Jeff at HiDef Brewing in Downtown Los Angeles, where they speak with co-founder Cristina Ward about the collective action aspect of the brewing community, how brewing evolved from her husband's midlife hobby to an actual brewing business, and the most important lessons gleaned from opening a brewery. In this episode, we are joined by special guests and USC Social Entrepreneurship Conference co-presenters Jill Kickul (USC) and Sophie Bacq (Indiana University). Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 40: Shon Hiatt (USC) on the Origins and Evolution of the Soft Drink Industry (LA Road Trip!)

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Creative Distillation is still at Real Soda In Real Bottles with Jeff and special guest host, USC professor Shon Hiatt. This time we are discussing Shon's lifelong passion for soda and his paper, “From Pabst to Pepsi.” Join us as we discover the fascinating history behind the soft drink industry! Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 39: Danny Ginsburg, Founder/Soda Sommelier, Real Soda In Real Bottles (LA Road Trip!)

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This epsiode of Creative Distillation kicks off a series of episodes recorded during our first road trip, to Los Angeles for the Social Entrepreneurship Conference hosted by USC. Brad couldn’t make it for this one, and Jeff is joined by a special guest host, USC professor Shon Hiatt, as they conduct some field research at Real Soda In Real Bottles, a soda distributor based in the Los Angeles area. Founder Danny Ginsburg guides Jeff and Shon through a tasting of a few of his custom made flavors while explaining how a German language major with a lifelong passion for bottlecap collecting became the “Soda Sommelier” of Southern California. Read the episode transcript and see pictures here.

Creative Distillation · 38: Desiree Pacheco (IESE) on Social Movements, Entrepreneurial Action & the US Solar Industry

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Brad and Jeff are still at the Deming Center's conference room with IESE Business School - Barcelona Campus Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and co-author of a paper titled, “Social movements and entrepreneurial activity: A study of the US solar energy industry" Desiree Pacheco. Learn about Desiree's great work and the actionable insights you can use. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 37: It's the Great Pumpkin Episode!

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Brad and Jeff conduct their field research closer to home in the Deming Center's conference room. It’s Halloween, Jeff’s favorite time of year! Join us as we taste an assorted pumpkin beers with our guest Desiree Pacheco from IESE in Barcelona, who is gluten free and doesn’t drink beer. Mild chaos ensues. It’s another classic Creative Distillation episode! Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 36: Meet the Deming Center Team

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Brad and Jeff are still at Wild Provisions Beer Project in Boulder, Colorado, where they introduce you to the team at the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship. It's a small but hardworking and incredibly capable team dedicated to providing CU students with the education, training and resources to realize their startup dreams. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 35: Weston Ring, Cellarperson, Wild Provisions & 4 Noses Brewing

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Brad and Jeff are at Wild Provisions Beer Project in Boulder, Colorado, speaking with Weston Ring, the Cellarperson for Wild Provisions & their parent company, 4 Noses Brewing, about what, exactly, a cellarperson does, the experimental brewing approach at Wild Provisions, and why they focus on just two types of beer. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 34: Tony Kong (CU-Boulder) on Venture Evaluation and Information Signaling

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Brad and Jeff are still at Liquid Mechanics Brewing in Lafayette, Colorado, where they discuss academic research with CU's Leeds School of Business Associate Professor Tony Kong about his paper "Will the startup succeed in your eyes? Venture evaluation of resource providers during entrepreneurs’ informational signaling" published in the Journal of Business Venturing. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 33: Davin Helden, co-founder, Liquid Mechanics Brewing

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At Liquid Mechanics Brewing in Lafayette, Colorado, Brad and Jeff to speak with co-founder and Leeds MBA alum Davin Helden about collaboration between local microbreweries, curating the ideal beer list, and why an IPA will always be on it. Read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 32: Ethan Poskanzer (CU-Boulder) on Legacy Admissions

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At Beyond the Mountain Brewing in Gunbarrel, Colorado, Brad and Jeff discuss academic research with Assistant Professor at CU's Leeds School of Business Ethan Poskanzer about his paper: Through the Front Door: Why Do Organizations (Still) Prefer Legacy Applicants? Read the episode transcript here

Creative Distillation · 31: Beyond the Mountain Brewing

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Brad and Jeff conduct field research live in Gunbarrel, Colorado at Beyond the Mountain with Co-Founder Chuck Hixon. Listen to learn the story behind Beyond the Mountain -- and Phish! You can also read the episode transcript here.

Creative Distillation · 30: Camp Christmas and Season 4 Preview

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Live from Camp Christmas in Lakewood, Colorado, your hosts, Jeff and Brad, conduct some field research speaking with Creator & Producer Lonnie Hanzon about the spirit of Camp Christmas -- while enjoying some of the spirits on offer there. After that, Brad and Jeff preview what's upcoming in our thrilling Season 4, including visits to several Front Range breweries, a Halloween pumpkin beerfest, and a road trip to the Social Entrepreneurship conference in Los Angeles.

Creative Distillation · Season 4 Trailer

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Brad and Jeff share their excitement for Season 4 of Creative Distillation, in which we visit several fine establishments and enjoy many craft beverages with leading entrepreneurial researchers.

Creative Distillation · 29: Boulder vs Boston Beer-Off and Research Relevance

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Creative Distillation · 28: Finkel & Garf Brewing and Brand Loyalty After an Acquisition

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Creative Distillation · 27: PART 2: Upslope Brewing and CU's Executive MBA Program (A Special Live Recording)

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Creative Distillation · 26: Upslope Brewing and CU's Executive MBA Program (A Special Live Recording)

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Creative Distillation · 25: Ska Street Brewstillery and The Impact of Location Considerations on Venture Performance

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Creative Distillation · 24: Sanitas Brewing and Autonomy Over Choosing Teams and Ideas

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Creative Distillation · 23: Twisted Pine Brewing and Stakeholder Identification in New Ventures

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Creative Distillation · 22: Under the Sun Brew Pub and a "Special Issue" on Meta-Analysis

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Creative Distillation · 21: Ada Lovelace Gin and the Efficacy of University Entrepreneurship Programs

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Hosts Brad Werner and Jeff York are joined by Dr. Chuck Easley from Stanford University.

Creative Distillation · 20: Straight Whiskey, No Paper

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Hosts Brad Werner and Jeff York join Alastair Brogan, owner of Boulder Spirits at his distillery in Boulder, Colorado. 

Creative Distillation · 19: Suntory Hibiki, Entrepreneurialism and Worker "Freedom"

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner discuss the future impacts of contingent employment with Dr. Robert Eberhart, co-author of the study titled "Freedom is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose: Entrepreneurialism and the Changing Nature of Employment Relations" and Associate Director of Research on Entrepreneurship and Society from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. 

Creative Distillation · 18: Au Bon Climat Pinot Noir and How Yoga Evolved Into a Global Industry

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner discuss Yoga's growth and the paper "From Patanjali to the "gospel of sweat": yoga's remarkable transformation from a sacred movement into a thriving global market" with Dr. Deborah Brown from the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge and Dr. Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari from the Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge.

Creative Distillation · 17: Dry Land Distillers and Authenticity-Based Entrepreneurship

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner discuss the intricacies of authenticity and growth presented in the paper “The New Food Truck in Town: Geographic Communities and Authenticity-based Entrepreneurship” and are joined by co-founder of Longmont-based Dry Land Distillers, Nels Wroe, to learn more about his own entrepreneurial road. He created a thoroughly Colorado experience with his distilled spirts.

Creative Distillation · 16: Breakside Brewing and Cannabis' Influence on New Venture Ideation

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Ben Warnick and Alex Kier from the Carson College of Business at Washington State University to discuss their paper from the Journal of Business Venturing “Head in the clouds? Cannabis users' creativity in new venture ideation depends on their entrepreneurial passion and experience"

Creative Distillation · 15: Upland Beer and Entrepreneurial Hustle

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Greg Fisher, Larry and Barbara Sharpf Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University to discuss his research titled "Entrepreneurial hustle: Navigating uncertainty and enrolling venture stakeholders through urgent and unorthodox action"

Creative Distillation · 14: Brewdog Beer and Founder Authenticity

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Professor Isobel O'Neil to discuss research co-authored with York titled “The evolution of founder identity as an authenticity work process.”

Creative Distillationn · 13 Favorite Colorado/Holiday Beverages and CU Ph.D Research

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by PhD students from the Leeds School of Business.

Creative Distillation · 12: Avery Beer and Microfinance

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by: Tyler Wry, Associate Professor at The Wharton School, about Avery beer, and his paper: "Taking Trade-offs Seriously: Examining the Contextually Contingent Relationship Between Social Outreach Intensity and Financial Sustainability in Global Microfinance"

Creative Distillation · 11: British Beer and The Art of the Pivot

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by: Matthew Grimes, Reader (Associate Professor) at the University of Cambridge's Judge Business School, about British beer, and his paper: "The Pivot: How Founders Respond to Feedback through Idea and Identity Work":…5877420d529f3

Creative Distillation · 10: Colorado Whiskey and Cooperatives

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by: Amanda Engelhorn, Tasting Room Manager, Spirit Hound Distilling; Desiree Pacheco, Associate Professor at IESE Business School in Barcelona; and Geoff Kistruck, RBC Professor in Social Innovation & Impact at Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, about their paper: How Formal and Informal Hierarchies Shape Conflict Within Cooperatives: A Field Experiment in Ghana:

Creative Distillation · 09: Innovation in Beer Brewing, and Gene Patents

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University of Colorado Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Upslope Brewing founder Matt Cutter and Sina Khoshsokhan, Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship.

Creative Distillation · 08: Entrepreneurial Approaches to COVID-19: Plan, Pivot, and Persist (A Webinar)

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From the Leeds' Alumni Career Webinar series delivered to the CU Boulder and local business communities.

Creative Distillation · 07: Creative Distillation Takes Over Boulder Tech Podcast w/Erick Mueller, Exec. Dir., CU Deming Center

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University of Colorado-Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Joel Davis Producer: Boulder Tech Podcast.

Creative Distillation · 06: Spontaneous Venturing in the Wake of COVID-19

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University of Colorado-Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner are joined by Associate Professor Trent Williams from the Kelley School of Business to distill entrepreneurship research into actionable insights. Check out the book discussed in this episode: Spontaneous Venturing. An Entrepreneurial Approach to Alleviating Suffering in the Aftermath of a Disaster

Creative Distillation · 05: Entrepreneurial Responses to COVID-19

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University of Colorado-Boulder professors Jeff York and Brad Werner distill entrepreneurship research into actionable insights.

Creative Distillation · 04: Patterns and Assumptions in the Field of Entrepreneurship

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This episode was recorded at Boxcar Coffee Roasters. Click here to see the paper discussed in this episode, A fresh look at patterns and assumptions in the field of entrepreneurship: What can we learn?.

Creative Distillation · 03:How Business Model Innovation Emerges in Young Ventures

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This episode was recorded at J&L Distilling. Click here to see the paper discussed in this episode, The Genesis and Metamorphosis of Novelty Imprints: How Business Model Innovation Emerges in Young Ventures​.

Creative Distillation · 02:Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development

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This episode was recorded at Asher Brewing Co. Click here to see the paper discussed in this episode, Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: A Review and Multilevel Causal Mechanism Framework.

Creative Distillation · 01:Urban Farmers and Cowboy Coders

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This episode was recorded at Deviant Spirits. Click here to see the paper discussed in this episode, Urban Farmers and Cowboy Coders: Re-Imagining Rural Venturing in the 21st Century.
For full transcript of Episode 1: Urban Farmers and Coders click here.