Innovative research for real-world impact

Leeds Business Insights is a series of speaking and networking engagements featuring today’s groundbreaking research that shapes tomorrow’s workplace. Come engage with your fellow alumni and our world-renowned faculty as they each share 15-minute thought-provoking and inspirational ways their research impacts business, the workplace and daily life.

RSVP Today

Thursday, September 13, 2018

6:00 – 8:00pm MDT
$15 registration fee
Appetizers & drinks will be provided

1821 30th St A,
Boulder, CO 80301

Program overview
6:00pm: Registration and networking
6:30pm: Program begins
7:30pm: Networking continues

Janet Bercovitz

Making research pay

Dr. Janet Bercovitz, Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Operations 

Academic institutions are a key player in the innovation ecosystem. Yet, for all their inventive output, the path to successful commercialization remains challenging. Many academic innovations and start-ups languish in the translational “Valley of Death” if they don’t gain backing by VCs or are not adopted by established firms.

Professor Bercovitz’s research program consists of two main research streams: extending understanding of academic entrepreneurship and university-industry technology transfer and issues of organizational structure and inter-organizational contractual relationships. Her research has been published in major journals such as Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Research Policy, and the Journal of Technology Transfer.

LBI Stephen Billings

Big data, real estate and gentrification

Dr. Stephen Billings, Associate Professor of Finance 

Leveraging the power of national data through Zillow, Dr. Billings explores neighborhood trends and offers insight into how neighborhoods evolve over time with an emphasis on gentrification, suburbanization and factors that help real estate amateurs predict the next hot neighborhood.

Dr. Billings’s research focuses on policy issues including the impact of public investment in light-rail transit on neighborhoods, the impact of school segregation on academic achievement and crime, and neighborhood gentrification. He works extensively with micro-datasets and is a nationally recognized scholar in urban and local public economics. His work has appeared in the Journal of Urban Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Real Estate Economics, and Review of Economics & Statistics.

Shtick to business: serious lessons from the masters of comedy

Dr. Peter McGraw, Associate Professor of Marketing and Psychology

How does improv improve innovation?  What can startups learn from stand-ups? Why should leaders care about comedic timing? You can ask a business school professor who teaches MBAs by day and decodes comedy by night. Drawing on real-world case studies from his global travels to crack the humor code, cutting-edge behavioral economics research, and observation of comedy titans, Dr. Peter McGraw reveals how the habits of the world’s funniest people can help you live a more creative, charismatic, and productive professional life. 

Dr. McGraw directs The Humor Research Lab and is the co-author of “The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny.” His research examines the interrelationship of judgment, emotion and choice, with a focus on the production and consumption of entertainment.