Yokogawa & Olympus CellVoyager™ CV1000 Confocal Scanner
Instrument/Service Type:
Spinning disk confocal microscope
Instrument Description:
A high-performance spinning disk confocal in an enclosed, environmentally controlled box. There are 3 laser lines and an LED for brightfield transmission. Laser lines include: 405, 488, and 561 nm. The camera is a Hamamatsu high-resolution mode 1024x1024 EMCCD. There are dual Nipkow disks with 50 or 25-micrometer lens pinhole arrays. The stage is motorized in X, Y, Z and coupled with Olympus’ auto-focus system and software focus. Available objective lenses include: 4x NA 0.13, 10x NA 0.40, 20x NA 0.75, 20x LWD NA 0.45, 40x LWD NA 0.60, 40x oil NA 1.30, 60x water NA 1.20, 60x oil NA 1.35, and 100x oil NA 1.40. Three environmentally controlled chambers include: 1) 1x35mm dish, 2) 3x35mm dishes and 3) low-profile, multi-well plates.
The microscope is controlled by Yokogawa CV1000 software and is excellent for fixed samples, dim samples, fast dynamic live samples, live tissues, organoids, embryos, multipoint montaging, and low-to-medium throughput screening in 96 or 384 well plate formats.
Keywords for Instrument:
confocal, live cell, montage, embryo, tissue
Instrument Website URL:
Primary Contact:
James Orth
Email: james.orth@colorado.edu
Phone: 303-492-5955 or 303-492-5057
Instrument Home Department/Institute:
Instrument Home Facility:
Light Microscopy Core Facility
Instrument Location:
Porter B047A
Available to university users?
Available to external, academic and national lab users?