FEI Tecnai ST20

Instrument / Service Type:

Transmission Electron Microscope

Make / Model:

FEI Tecnai G2 20 S-Twin

Instrument Description:

FEI Tecnai ST20 is a 200 kV TEM with a LaB6 electron gun. The microscope may also be used at lower accelerating voltages, down to 80 kV. It is equipped with an EDS system. Low background single tilt and double tilt holders are available.

Keywords for the Instrument:

TEM, Electron Microscopy, Materials, Characterization

Instrument Website URL: 


Primary Contact:

Carlyla Dawson



Instrument Home Department/Institute: 

RASEI, CU Facility for Electron Microscopy of Materials (CU FEMM)

Instrument Location:

SEEL, Room 167

Instrument Availability to Campus Users:

Yes, open to all university users

Instrument Availability to External Academic and National Lab Users:

Yes, open to all users