Gas Chromatograph-ISOLINK-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
Instrument / Service Type:
Compounds Specific Stable Isotope analysis (CO2 and H2)
Make / Model:
Thermo Trace1310, ISOLINK II, MAT253
Instrument Description:
Thermo MAT 253 Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer equipped with universal CNOS and HD collectors, ConfloIV interface, GC IsolinkII, and Trace GC 1310 to analyze isotopic composition (C & H) of various kinds of lipid classes extracted from a range of environmental samples.
Instrument Website:
Primary Contact Name:
Nadia Dildar
Phone: 303-735-3277
Instrument Home Department/Institute:
Home Facility:
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory
Instrument Location:
SEEL 214
Instrument Availability:
Open on a case-by-case basis to university users outside of the home department
Open on a case-by-case basis to academic and national lab users