Add your Instrument

Welcome to the CU Boulder Shared Instruments equipment and services registration form. Your instrument or service will be added to the Shared Instruments website by filling out the fields below and submitting your form. Please include the information for one instrument per submission. You will be invited to add additional instruments or services upon submitting the form. The inclusion of your equipment will be essential to the success of the shared instrumention website. The information submitted may take several days before it appears on the website. Please do not hesitate to contact Joe Dragavon, Director of Core Facilities & Shared Instrumentation, at if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for your participation.

(Example: Nikon A1R Laser Scanning Confocal and TIRF Microscope)
(Example: Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope)
(Example: Nikon A1R)
(Example: Confocal, live cell, FRET, FRAP, photoactivation)
(Example: BioFrontiers Institute)
Is this instrument/technology part of a facility?
(Example: BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core)
(i.e. Building, Room)
Would you like the location of the instrument to be indicated on a campus map?
Instrument Availability to Campus Users:
(Select all that apply)
Instrument Availability to External Academic and National Lab Users:
(Select all that apply)