Centers are single or multi-disciplinary units organized to conduct research, scholarship, and creative work, education, and/or leadership and service activities. Centers are typically organized around the investigation of a specific theme, issue, project, or policy topic, but often encompass interdisciplinary work spanning a number of academic fields. There are over 75 centers at CU Boulder.
Establishing/Reauthorizing a Center
For information about establishing or reauthorizing a center, please visit the Centers Establishment and Reauthorization Process webpage.
Aerospace Mechanics Research Center (AMReC)
American Music Research Center
African Population Studies Research and Training Program
Applied History Initiative
BioServe Space Technologies Center (BST)
Brakhage Center
BUENO Center for Multicultural Education
Burridge Center for Finance
Business Research Division
Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law
Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water & Environmental Systems (CADSWES)
Center for African and African American Studies
Center of the American West
Center for Asian Studies
Center for Assessment, Design, Research, and Evaluation (CADRE)
Center for Astrobiology
Center for Astrophysics & Space Astronomy (CASA)
Center for British & Irish Studies
Center for Computational Language & EducAtion Research (CLEAR)
Center for Creative Climate Communication and Behavior Change (C3BC)
Center for Critical Thought
Center for Documentary and Ethnographic Media
Center for Environmental Journalism
Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility (CESR)
Center for Experiments on Quantum Materials (CEQM)
Center for Geochemical Analysis of the Global Environment (GAGE)
Center for the Governance of Natural Resources (CGNR)
Center for Humanities & the Arts
Center for Integrated Plasma Studies
Center for Leadership
Center for Media, Arts, & Performance (CMAP)
Center for Media, Religion & Culture
Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS)
Center for Microbial Exploration
Center for National Security Initiatives
Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies (CNAIS)
Center for Neuroscience
Center for Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (CPB)
Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship (CRDDS)
Center for Research on Training (CRT)
Center for Resilience + Well-Being
Center for Social and Environmental Futures
Center for Software & Society
Center for STEM Learning
Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities
Center for the Study & Prevention of Violence (CSPV)
Center for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the West (CSILW)
Center for Theory of Quantum Matter (CTQM)
Center for Values and Social Policy
Center for Water, Earth Science, and Technology (CWEST)
Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy (CWCTP)
Center to Advance Research & Teaching in the Social Sciences (CARTSS)
CIRES Center for Education, Engagement, and Evaluation (CEEE)
Clinical Translational Research Center
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR)
Colorado Power Electronics Center (CoPEC)
Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC)
Community Engagement, Design and Research Center (CEDaR)
CU Engage
CU Population Center
CU Real Estate Center
Deming Center for Entrepreneurship
Design Center Colorado
Earth Science & Observation Center (ESOC)
Energy and Minerals Applied Research Center
Entrepreneurship Center for Music
Environment and Society Program
Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment
Health and Society Program
Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Fundamentals & Application of Photopolymerization (IUCRC)
International Research Center for Energy & Economic Development (ICEED)
Latin American and Latinx Studies Center (LALC)
LeRoy Keller Center for Study of the First Amendment
Marion Downs National Center for Infant Hearing (MDNC)
Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities
National Education Policy Center (NEPC)
National Snow & Ice Data Center
Natural Hazards Center
NSF Center for Pervasive Personalized Intelligence (PPI)
Population Program
Prevention Science Program
Program on International Development
Research & Engineering Center for Unmanned Vehicles (RECUV)
Rocky Mountain Research Data Center (RMRDC)
Silicon Flatirons: A Center for Law, Technology, & Entrepreneurship
STROBE NSF Science & Technology Center