Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures)

The University of Colorado Law School is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738.  To maintain compliance with ABA Required Disclosures for ABA Standard 509, here is the ABA’s Standard 509 Information Report compiled from the latest (AY 2024) information submitted in the annual questionnaire, in addition to the below information.

Section 509 (b)

1. Admissions data: GPA and LSAT scores

Class of 2027 Data as of 12/20/2024 
75th percentile GPA:3.88
Median undergraduate GPA – full time:3.79
25th percentile GPA:3.55
75th percentile LSAT:166
Median LSAT score – full time:164
25th percentile LSAT:160

See the ABA's Standard 509 Information Report

2. Tuition and fees, living costs, and financial aid:

3. Conditional scholarships:

  • Colorado Law does not award scholarships that are conditional on law school academic performance; therefore we do not post an ABA conditional scholarship retention worksheet.
  • Starting with the class entering in fall 2013, conditional language will not appear in the scholarship agreement. 

4. Enrollment data, including Academic, Transfer, and Other Attrition:

5. Numbers of full-time and part-time faculty, professional librarians, and administrators:

6. Class sizes for first-year and upper class courses, number of seminar, clinical and co-curricular offerings:

7. Employment Outcomes:

8. Bar Passage Data:

Section 509 (c)

1. Policies regarding refunds and withdrawal deadlines

2. Curricular OfferingsAcademic CalendarAcademic Requirements

3. Policies regarding the transfer of credit earned at another institution of higher education: 

Section 509 (d)

  • Colorado Law does not award scholarships that are conditional on law school academic performance; therefore we do not post an ABA conditional scholarship retention worksheet.
  • Starting with the class entering in fall 2013, conditional language will not appear in the scholarship agreement. 

Section 509 (e)

Status of law school: See the ABA's Standard 509 Information Report

Council for the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar