Constitutional Law

The study of the Constitution is, for many, one of the most fascinating parts of law school. Understanding the Constitution and the debates that surround its interpretation is central to a wide range of important policy issues, including (among others):

  • capital punishment and the rights of those accused of crimes; 
  • the limitations states may or may not impose on money in politics; 
  • appropriate remedies for racial and class inequality in America; and 
  • the relationship between the states and the federal government in a system of shared responsibility.

The Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law supports scholarship and teaching in constitutional law and offers students several different opportunities to apply their developing Constitutional knowledge in public service projects. In addition to these curricular and extracurricular opportunities, Colorado Law partners students with lawyers in the community who are involved in Constitutional litigation or policy work for externships and pro bono work.


In addition to the basic course in Constitutional Law, which every 1L is required to take, Colorado Law offers a wide range of opportunities to explore different facets of the Constitution:


White Center Opportunities for Students to Get Involved

  • Colorado Law Constitution Day Project.  Through this project, each fall the White Center sends law students and local lawyers into high school classrooms around the state to teach a lesson on the Constitution. 
  • Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project.  This project is great for students who are interested in a more intensive service learning opportunity.  Participating law student Teaching Fellows are placed with civics and government teachers in underserved schools to spend a semester or a year teaching about the Constitution.