Business, Entrepreneurial, and In-house Careers

Colorado Law students are well-suited for careers in business and entrepreneurship.

Many of our students come to law school with backgrounds in finance, tax, science, engineering, math, economics, information technology and marketing. Once at Colorado Law, students become involved with the New Tech Meetup, the CU New Venture Challenge, and the Silicon Flatirons Research Center, to name a few.

Colorado Law also offers a vast number of upper-level business law courses, a joint JD/MBA dual degree program, an Entrepreneurial Law Certificate program, and the opportunity to get startup experience through the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic.

Employers rely on our students' entrepreneurial skill set, which has led to an increase in the number of summer opportunities with in-house legal departments and companies over the past few years.

Read more about how Colorado Law is raising its profile in the entrepreneurial community and teaching its students to be innovative thinkers in A Head Start in Training Creative Class Counselors by Brad Bernthal (P. 19) Associate Professor of Law and Director of the Entrepreneurship Initiative for the Silicon Flatirons Center, and Raising the Transactional IQ at Colorado Law (P. 11) by David Cline, Colorado Law Class of 2012.