Stay Connected with Colorado Law
- Alumni Relations
- Event Host
- Regional Alumni Coordinator
- Law Firm Ambassador
- Steering Committee for a law school center
- Law Alumni Board
- Development (Fundraising)
- Class agent working to increase Law School Fund participation
- Participate in the Colorado Law Annual Fund
- Take advantage of your firm’s or employer’s matching gifts program
- Donate to a scholarship fund, the Dean’s Fund for Excellence, or one of our centers, programs, or clinics
- Include Colorado Law in your will—learn more about planned giving
- Students
- Appellate Advocacy Judge for student oral arguments in the spring
- Guest Lecturer/Speaker in the classroom or at a lunch seminar
- Subscribe or submit an article to the student journals: University of Colorado Law Review, Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law, and Colorado Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law Review
- Connect Student Organizations to the community
- Career Development
- Mock Job Interview Program
- Volunteer to talk to students about your practice area/profession
- Post a job opening
- Speak on a panel
- Participate in Colorado Law Career Symposia
- Encourage your employer to interview on campus
- Hire a Colorado Law student or alumnus
- Assist a fellow alumnus looking to relocate
- Refer a client matter to a fellow alumnus
- Invite a recent graduate to lunch
- Admissions
- Call a Colorado Law admitted student or top prospect
- Recommend a top student to the Office of Admissions—encourage potential applicants to visit campus
Nominate an alum for Alum of the Month! Email lawalum@colorado.edu
Submit a Class Note
Update My Information
Have you moved? Changed jobs? Let us know your updated information.