- Disability Services
- This office ensures that students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations and services to participate fully in the academic environment. Students with disabilities are encouraged to participate fully in campus academic, cultural, and social activities. In addition to providing support services to students with disabilities, the University is increasing accessibility to academic buildings and residence halls on campus. As the University continues to remove physical barriers, attitude barriers on campus also are being addressed. Working with Affirmative Action and Services, Disability Services is organizing a training program on disability issues for members of the University community.
- For more information, contact:
- Disability Services: dsinfo@colorado.edu or 303-492-8671
- VIA Mobility & Call-N-Ride
- Call this service for flexible, accessible transit; call in advance for an appointment:
- Via—County Wide: 303-447-9636
- In Lafayette: 303-994-3552
- In Longmont: 303-434-8960
- Interlocken: 303-434-8990