Please join us for the 20-Year Reunion of CU Law’s Class of 2004!

When: Friday, September 20, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm.

Where: The Irish Rover, 54 S. Broadway, Denver

How Much: There is no charge to attend the reunion event. Food and drink are on your own at the venue.

Who:  Spouses/partners/friends welcome to join.

NOTE: The location for our event is on an all-weather rooftop in Denver. The area is accessed by climbing 2 flights of stairs, but unfortunately, the venue does not have an elevator. If this makes the space inaccessible for you or your guest, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can identify an alternate location for the event.

RSVP: by September 16, 2024, by clicking here.

Reunion Committee
Marci Fulton
Chris Gaddis
Jon Lehmann
Jolie Masterson
Jared Seidenberg
Amy Sjerven

The Digital Reunion Memory Books are open. If you haven't added your profile yet, please do so by September 16, 2024. Members of the 2004 class can link to the memory book below. It's a fun and fast way to connect with classmates and learn what they have been up to since graduation. In addition, you can search for hobbies and interests you share with other classmates and view a map highlighting your classmates' current locations. If you need help, please email

Digital Reunion Memory Book 20th - Class of 2004 *only members of the class can access

Colorado Law Class of 2004