Widely recognized for its intellectual diversity and originality, the faculty at Colorado Law encompasses an array of prominent legal scholars who are widely cited, both in academia and throughout the national media landscape. We invite you to catch up on the latest faculty publications and media mentions with this weekly round up.
Scholarly Publications
T. Markus Funk [Colorado Law Adjunct], Wielding the Sharp Tool of a Defamation Action to Protect Business and Personal Reputations (forthcoming, Ohio State L. J.; with Daniel Graham).
Blake E. Reid, The Curb-Cut Effect and the Perils of Accessibility without Disability, in Feminist Cyberlaw 104 (Meg Leta Jones, ed., 2024).
Pierre Schlag, Un Ésprit Sérieux, 47 Dal L. J. 1 (2024).
Andrew Schwartz, Response to the Future of Startup Finance: A Symposium on "Investment Crowdfunding", 22 Co. Tech. L. J. 265 (2024)(Westlaw login required).
Media Mentions
[Deep Gulasekaram], Elliot Davis Jr, In an Immigration Pivot, Biden Announces Plan for Undocumented Spouses, US News & World Report (June 18, 2024).
[Margot Kaminski], Matteo Wong, Google is Turning into a Libel Machine, The Atlantic (June 21, 2024).
[Vivek Krishnamurthy], Michael Karlick, Colorado Justices Narrowly Uphold IP-Based Search Warrant, Decline to Adopt Broader Rule, Denver Gazette (June 18, 2024).
[Scott Skinner-Thompson], Arrman Kyaw, Trans Participation and the Burden of Marginalized Groups, Diverse: Issues in Higher Education (June 28, 2024).
[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], coverage includes Marianne Goodman, Colorado River Coalition Gains Funding to Purchase of 1 Million Acre-Feet of Shoshone Water Rights, Denver Gazette (June 14, 2024).
Faculty, Staff, and Alumni Activities
[Jonathon Booth], Top-Ten Recent SSRN Downloads in Criminal Law eJournal, CrimProf Blog (June 16, 2024) (Policing After Slavery#8).
Paul Campos, Lawyers, Guns, & Money (June 15-28 2024), blog posts available here.
T. Markus Funk, GATHERING FOREIGN EVIDENCE THROUGH MUTUAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE TREATIES AND LETTERS ROGATORY (The Federal Judicial Center – Handbook) was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: International, Transnational & Comparative Criminal Law eJournal.
Morris Hoffman [Colorado Law '74] will be speaking about his new book Pinch Hitting (Boulder Bookstore, Aug. 7, 6:30pm).
[Blake Reid], Lawrence Solum, Frischmann & Reid on Net Neutrality, Legal Theory Blog (June 21, 2024)("highly recommended").
[Wadie Said], Amina Wase, Law Students Reflect on Legacies of War on Terror, Stanford Daily (June 25, 2024).
[Scott Skinner-Thompson], Kevin Cole, Skinner-Thompson on Privacy without a State, CrimProf Blog (June 27, 2024).
[Doug Spencer], Rick Hasen, Election Law Academics Update, Election Law Blog (June 27, 2024).
Mark Squillace, A Bold Plan to Save the Colorado River (Boulder JCC, June 17, 2024)(talk with 80 attendees.)
Chris Winter [GWC], GWC's 2024 Colorado River Conference Shatters Attendance Records, GWC (June 20, 2024).