Widely recognized for its intellectual diversity and originality, the faculty at Colorado Law encompasses an array of prominent legal scholars who are widely cited, both in academia and throughout the national media landscape. We invite you to catch up on the latest faculty publications and media mentions with this weekly round up.
Faculty Publications
T. Markus Funk [Colorado Law Adjunct](with UCLA Prof. Eugene Volokh and Andrew S. Boutros), “The Hidden Life of Law School Adjuncts: Teaching Temps, Indispensable Instructors, Underappreciated Cash Cows, or Something Else?,” 102 Tex. L. Rev. Online 44 (2023). Coverage of article includes The Volokh Conspiracy and TaxProf Blog.
Peter Huang [retired Colorado Law Professor](with Anna Gorman-Huang), After the Demise of Affirmative Action, Ensuring Equitable Access to Educational Opportunities, forthcoming 21 U.C. L. J. of Race & Econ. Just. (SSRN.com, Nov. 3, 2023).
Notable Mentions
Teresa M. Bruce’s In the Language of Pictures: How Copyright Law Fails to Adequately Account for Photography, 115 W. Va. L. Rev. 93, 97 (2012), cited in Brief of Amicus Curiae Jeffrey Sedlik, at p.23, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Lynn Goldsmith, 598 U.S. 508 (2023), No. 21-869.
Paul Campos, Lawyers, Guns, & Money Blog, Nov. 5-10, 2023, blog posts available here.
[Suzette Malveaux, Byron White Center], Reya Roussel, Hawaii Supreme Court Justice Sabrina McKenna Inspires at the 12th Annual John Paul Stevens Lecture, Colorado Law, Nov. 6, 2023.
[Suzette Malveaux, Byron White Center], Reya Roussel, Alicia Bannon of the Brennan Center for Justice Highlights State Constitutions, Colorado Law, Nov. 6.
Blake Reid, Copyright’s First Responder Problem (presenter), Mosaic IP Law and Policy Roundtable Conference, Oct. 27, 2023.
Wadie Said, Palestine and the Limits of the Law (Georgetown University Qatar Speaker Series, Nov. 7, 2023).
Andrew Schwartz, “Investment Crowdfunding,” Case Western Reserve University, Nov. 2, 2023 (talk available for viewing here.)
Sloan Speck, Weekly SSRN Tax Article Review and Roundup: Speck Reviews Avi-Yonah’s Pillar One, And the Multilateral Tax Project, TaxProf Blog, Nov. 3, 2023.
[Doug Spencer], Mark Niesse, “Shifting ground: Georgia’s redistricting redo part of a national battle”, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Nov. 6, 2023, quoted in Election Law Blog.
[Grant Sullivan, Colorado Law ‘08], Governor Polis Appoints Pax L. Moultrie and Grant T. Sullivan to the Colorado Court of Appeals, Colorado.gov, Nov. 9 2023.
Andrew Teegarden [GWC], Will Colorado Fill the Gaps in the post-Sackett World?, GWC, Oct. 26, 2023.
[Ahmed White], Mike Matejka, Mother Jones Dinner speaker: Labor should challenge capitalism head-on, People’s World, Nov. 7, 2023.
[Ahmed White], Gregory S. Kealey, Ahmed White, Under the Iron hell: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers (book review), 92 Labour/Le Travail 343 (Autumn 2023).