Local attorneys and Colorado law students, alumni, and faculty members make our Constitution Day program a success.  If you wish to be part of this valuable program, we would love to have you.  This year, our Constitution Day program will take place at various high schools throughout Colorado from September 9 through September 20.  We will work with you to schedule a visit to a Colorado high school class during that time.

The White Center will provide you with a detailed lesson plan as well as training on how best to present the lesson to your class.  The lesson will include an introduction to the specific constitutional topic, several cases to discuss with the students, and a hypothetical problem for students to debate using what they have just learned.  This is a great opportunity for high school students to experience how the Constitution affects their everyday lives.  This year's lesson plan is currently in development; however, you can find last year's plan here if you would like to see an example.

If you wish to volunteer for this year's Constitution Day, please email colene.robinson@colorado.edu.