Degrees Offered:

  • Certificate*

Department Website

Certificate Requirements 

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* = Certificates are not technically a degree, but can be pursued to supplement a bachelor's degree

The Undergraduate Certificate in Global Gender and Sexuality Studies provides students with an opportunity to study how individuals and groups from diverse gender, racial, ethnic, national, class and sexual backgrounds live in and engage with the world and how processes of global change affect gender relations locally, nationally and internationally. The certificate is designed for students who wish to understand, analyze and respond to these dramatic global transformations and their impact on women and gender relations, complementing students' majors and interests and preparing them for graduate studies and employment.

To apply, fill out the Global Gender & Sexuality Studies Certificate Application and return to the Gates Woodruff Cottage or email to


  • 18 credit hours of specified course work within the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • 12 credit hours must be completed at the upper-division level.
  • A minimum of 12 credit hours must be taken on campus or with a CU-sponsored Study Abroad program.
  • No more than 6 semester transfer credit hours from other institutions will count towards the certificate.
  • For specific requirements, please reference the Global Gender & Sexuality Studies certificate website.