Certificate in GIS & Computational Science

Our students become skilled in spatial data analysis and computation, and are well prepared for jobs in government, industry and consulting.

Interested in data and the Earth’s surfaces? Our interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate allows students to learn how to display data points of the positions of Earth with spatial data analysis and computation. Computational geospatial skills are in high demand on campus and in local, regional and national job markets such as government employment, industry or consulting careers.

  • Gain interdisciplinary training in spatial data analysis and computation
  • Improve your analytical problem-solving skills
  • Learn from experts in the Departments of Geography and Computer Science 

One of the top 15 universities in the world in geography

(Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2017)

#12 remote sensing program in the world

(Academic Ranking of World Universities, 2019)

Be uniquely positioned for the job market with specialized analytical and computer skills

Be successful.

Be prepared to meet the needs of society by applying your knowledge of geospatial thinking to a variety of careers.


Median annual salary of computer and information research scientists

(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018)


Gain skills to become a geospatial consultant or geographic information scientist


Work in the government, industry or consulting

Academic Plan & Requirements

Students of all majors are eligible to apply to the certificate program, but it may be of special interest for students majoring in other Earth science disciplines (e.g., geological sciences, environmental studies) and social science disciplines (political science, economics and sociology).

Nonmatriculated students may enroll at CU Boulder through Continuing Education and, once admitted, may apply for the certificate.

Community & Involvement

We offer students many opportunities to network with peers and faculty, further their research, and get the most out of their experience.

Be inspired.

The Department of Geography has an extensive alumni network working in a variety of industries across the globe.

Some alumni of the program include:

Waleed Abdalati

Director of CIRES (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences). He previously served as chief scientist for NASA and head of cryospheric sciences at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

President and founder of the Extreme Ice Survey and Earth Vision Institute. He is an acclaimed photographer and was featured in the Academy Award-nominated documentary Chasing Ice.

Michael Brown

Has summited Mount Everest five times and made dozens of films on location from the highest peaks in the world, from South America to Antarctica. He’s also a teacher and founder of the Outside Adventure Film School in Boulder. Outside magazine, which sponsors the school, has called him a “swashbuckling librarian.”

An assistant professor at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Adam Serafin

Lead knowledge analyst in geoanalytics at The Boston Consulting Group.

Jeff Kerridge

Senior vice president at Digital Globe.