Biomedical MS Focus Area


Train next-generation professional engineers to interface engineering and medicine with design and problem solving to improve human health. Biomedical engineering is a field that employs quantitative methods in physics, chemistry and biology to develop innovative medical technologies. At CU Boulder, we draw from our strengths in biomechanic (the application of classical and quantum mechanics to analyze biological systems) and product design to tackle current and emerging medical challenges, including those in areas of biomaterials, tissue engineering, imaging and theragnostic. Engineers will be at the forefront in the creation of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, to address challenging problems involving biomedical basic science and advances in clinical medicine. Applications for students trained in biomedical engineering are expected to be broad, from the establishment of disruptive imaging technologies or fabrication of new biomimetic tissue replacements, to conception of innovative medical devices.

Unique Opportunities at CU Boulder

Biomedical Engineering provides a foundational education in the bioengineering and applied sciences, while also engaging with clinical, veterinary, and entrepreneurial partners at cutting edge institutions all along the Front Range. Active collaborations and sponsored research exist with counterparts at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, in veterinary medicine at Colorado State University, and in numerous local companies. Unique opportunities extend to graduate design courses with the medical device industry and extensive transfer of intellectual property (patents, licenses, startups) toward biomedical solutions.

Recommended Coursework

Strongly Recommended

All courses listed below can also count towards the Biomedical Engineering Certificate

  • MCEN 5113 Mechanics of Cancer 
  • MCEN 5117 Anatomy & Physiology for Engineers
  • MCEN 5127 Biomedical Ultrasound
  • MCEN 5133 Intro to Tissue Biomechanics
  • MCEN 5147 Mechanobiology
  • MCEN 5157 Modeling Human Movement 
  • MCEN 5195 Bioinspired Robotics
  • MCEN 5228 Biomimetic Materials 
  • MCEN 5228 Fluid Mechanics in the Human Body 
  • MCEN 5228 Mechanics of Soft Matter 
  • MCEN 5228 Microfluidics
  • MCEN 5292 Materials and Devices in Medicine 
  • MCEN 6228 Microfluidics for Biomedical Application   


  • MCEN 5055 Advanced Product Design
  • MCEN 5065 Graduate Design 1
  • MCEN 5075 Graduate Design 2
  • MCEN 5171 Biofluids on the Micro Scale 
  • MCEN 5293 Mechanics of Soft Matter
  • MCEN 5228 Mechanobiology
  • ECEN 5121 Design of Implantable Medical Devices: Neuromodulation
  • MCDB 6440 Special Topics in MCD Biology 
  • ASEN 5016 Space Life Sciences
  • IPHY 5730 Motor Control
  • IPHY 5800 Adv Stats and Res Methods
  • IPHY 6010 Physiology of Aging / Neurodegenerative Diseases