Struggling with stress, worry or anxiety?
The college values health and wellness as reflected in our CEAS community wellness values statement. This webpage includes resources intended to assist you.
Struggling with stress, worry or anxiety?
The college values health and wellness as reflected in our CEAS community wellness values statement. This webpage includes resources intended to assist you.
CU Boulder colleges and schools have access to dedicated teams of liaisons from Counseling and Psychiatric Services, the Office of Victim Assistance and Health Promotion.
Liaisons are integrated into academic settings in order to support student success and increase education, access, awareness and support within colleges and schools. College liaisons also help provide consistent and shared health and wellness messaging and programs.
Audrey Gilfillan (CAPS) Alison West (CAPS) Diana Dang (OVA) James Huffman (HP) Ynigo Velayo (LPC)