The Graduate School at CU Boulder has established minimum standards for admission. Individual graduate departments may have additional or more restrictive standards by which they evaluate graduate applicants. Qualified students may be recommended for admission provided they meet the following criteria.
Applicants must:
- Hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, or have done work equivalent to that required for such a degree.
- Show promise of the ability to pursue advanced study and research, as judged by your scholastic record.
- Applicants to programs in the College of Engineering and Applied Science must have a 3.00 (3.00=B) undergraduate grade point average. Note: if you cannot meet this undergraduate standard, you may still secure regular admission if you have completed 9 semester hours of relevant graduate course work with at least a 3.25 grade point average.
As a student, you will be admitted to a particular specialty area of study. These specialty areas are also known as disciplines, interdisciplinary areas, or subplans of the degree programs. Each specialty may have its own set of additional requirements for admission, especially in defining prerequisite undergraduate coursework as outlined below.
If you are a current student and wish to change specialty areas, you must receive the written permission of the Graduate Committee.