2024-2025 Projects
Graduate Design Projects 2024-2025
Course Coordinator: Christopher Koehler
- CU Aerospace + INSTAAR: Autonomous Rapidly Reusable Atmospheric Sampler (ARRAS)
- CU Bioastronautics: Advanced Space Transit and Residency Architecture (ASTRA)
- Boeing: CO2 Environmental Removal for Extended-duration Spaceflight (CERES)
- InteGrated Lunar Occupation Outpost (IgLOO)
- Air Force Research Laboratory: Multiple Access X-band Wave Experiment in Located in LEO (MAXWELL)
- CU Aerospace + National Science Foundation: Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX)
- CU Aerospace + RF & SatNav Laboratory: Mobile GNSS Monitor Station
- CU Aerospace - The Ultimate Jump