Faculty/Staff/Student Resources
AES Sharepoint
These two links are only accessible to faculty and staff. Login with your Identikey.
Faculty Policies
- AES Criteria for Reappointment and Promotion of Teaching Faculty
- AES Criteria for Comprehensive Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure of Tenure-track Faculty
Aerospace Space Requests
- For curriculum-relatedrequests such as mid-term exams, accommodations, review sessions, office hours, and lecture make-ups, please contact aes-enrollment-help@colorado.edu.
- For non-curriculum relatedspace requests (including classrooms), please refer to the EMS room scheduling system. If event support is needed, please check the box within the EMS request form indicating such or contact the department Event Coordinator.
- Details about the Aerospace conference rooms are located on this page.
- Additional room scheduling options throughout the college can be found here.
AES Faculty Awards
- Overview of AES Annual Faculty Awards (descriptions, eligibility, selection criteria, etc.)
Parking Issues/Questions?
- Contact the Smead Aerospace Parking Liasion, Kayla Vandergrift
Smead Aerospace Branding, Marketing, Communications:
- Download Smead Letterhead
- Download Smead Aerospace PowerPoint Template (email Chris Muldrow for a Keynote version)
Click on any of the logos below to open larger versions. All four are PNG files with transparent backgrounds. Email Jeff Zehnder for other versions or sizes.