Graduate Projects
Graduate Projects I and II (ASEN 5018/6028) is a two-semester course sequence designed to expose MS and PhD students to Project Management and Systems Engineering disciplines while working a complex aerospace engineering project as part of a team. Teams of 5 to 15 students will perform some or all of the following project activities during the two-semester course sequence:
- Requirements definition
- Design and design review
- Build
- Test
- Verification
Interested in signing up? Find out more about individual projects below or check out the Graduate Projects Enrollment page.
Graduate Projects Fall 2024 Info Session
Grad Projects
Spring 2025 Enrollment
opens Oct. 28.
Graduate Design Projects 2024-2025
Course Coordinator: Christopher Koehler
- CU Aerospace + INSTAAR: Autonomous Rapidly Reusable Atmospheric Sampler (ARRAS)
- CU Bioastronautics: Advanced Space Transit and Residency Architecture (ASTRA)
- Boeing: CO2 Environmental Removal for Extended-duration Spaceflight (CERES)
- InteGrated Lunar Occupation Outpost (IgLOO)
- Air Force Research Laboratory: Multiple Access X-band Wave Experiment in Located in LEO (MAXWELL)
- CU Aerospace + National Science Foundation: Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX)
- CU Aerospace + RF & SatNav Laboratory: Mobile GNSS Monitor Station
- CU Aerospace - The Ultimate Jump