Shelby Bray

  • (She/Her/Hers)
  • Assistant Director – Transfer Credit
Shelby Bray


Cincinnati, OH


B.A. in Business Administration, Texas State University


I've moved around a lot in my life before finally settling in Colorado with my family, I've lived in Texas, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Florida, and Ohio. I love to travel and hike, I hope to travel to all of the National Parks one day. In my spare time, I like to spend time with my husband and our baby girl, as well as our two dogs. I also enjoy reading, and rewatching the same sitcoms over and over again. I have worked at CU since 2019, and I am very passionate about advocating for transfer students.

Favorite Spot Around CU Campus

My favorite spot is Gelato Boy on Pearl Street.

Best Part About Your Job

The best part about my job is all of the amazing and talented students I get to meet.

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