Chevez Smith

  • (She/Her/Hers)
  • Admissions Counselor
Chevez Smith


Greer, SC


  • B.A. Theatre Performance, Coker University
  • M.A. Theatre Performance Studies, University of Colorado Boulder


As a first-generation student from South Carolina, I am proud of how far I have come. I started working in higher education for residential housing as a sophomore in undergrad! After graduating from Coker I began my journey of teaching undergraduates and working in admissions as a grad student. In my free time, you can find me doing word search puzzles, watching crime mystery shows, spending time with family and friends, or being a part of an artistic team for a production!

Favorite Spot Around CU Campus

As a student I enjoyed having time to study or have lunch outside in places such as the Norlin Quad, Farrand Field, or Kittredge North Turf Field! Highly recommend as these places are such beautiful spots to be!

Best Part About Your Job

I have had the great opportunity of working with & guiding young educators for quite some time, Every time has been life changing! Whether a student is taking the next step into their family legacy or the first to go to college, it is so heartwarming to see students and families start their new life journey! I love advocating and supporting students the best that I can and ensuring them of student resources necessary to succeed. I am grateful for this opportunity!

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