Aliena Pitts

  • (She/Her/Hers)
  • Admissions Counselor
  • Pre-Collegiate Liaison
Aliena Pitts


Rocklin, CA


B.A. Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles


I grew up in Northern California and then moved to Los Angeles for college. My Spanish and Civic Engagement minor courses were the highlights of my undergraduate experience. This led me to choose to move to Spain after graduation, where I spent two years teaching English at high schools in Madrid and Bilbao. I developed a strong interest in mentoring and working with students and decided to pursue my career goals through the field of Admissions here in Colorado.

Favorite Spot Around CU Campus

I love walking through Chautauqua Park and going on hikes to explore the Flatirons. The picnic tables and open grass area make for lovely lunch destinations, and I love that it is within walking distance from campus.

Best Part About Your Job

My favorite part of being an Admissions Counselor is making connections with students and families. I was drawn to this role because of the unique opportunity to mentor students during the complicated college search process.

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