Master Agreements

Master Agreements may be developed for sponsored projects in which an external entity expects to fund multiple projects or scope of works (SOW) with the University of Colorado Boulder. Masters contain terms and conditions that define the contractual relationship between CU Boulder and the external party. Masters increase efficiency in:

  • Proposal submission
  • Project award
  • Negotiation
  • Execution
  • Post-award administration by campus units

An addendum or Task Order is created for each new project or Statement of Work (SW) to be awarded under a Master. Task Orders frequently contain the following information that is specific to each awarded project:

  • SOW
  • Budget, as applicable to Task Order type
  • Invoicing and Payment requirements and timing
  • Principal Investigator (PI) and staffing
  • Schedules, milestones, and deliverables
  • Co-funding information (as applicable)
  • Background intellectual property (IP) information (as applicable)
  • Licensing options and considerations

CU Boulder is concentrating efforts to establish Masters with a variety of partners to help expedite the initiation and funding of sponsored projects.

Working with Existing Master Agreements

If you are interested in learning more about CU Boulder's existing industry Masters, please contact the Project Management Office (PMO),  Industry & Foundation Relations (IFR), or the Center for National Security Initiatives (NSI). Once identified, your Proposal Analyst and Contract Officer at the Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) will assist you with engaging the external entity for work under the applicable Master. 

Developing New Master Agreements

External entities that desire a Master with CU Boulder should contact the PMO, IFR ,or NSI. These offices can help facilitate establishing a new industry partnership and connect companies to the services, expertise, and capabilities available at CU Boulder.