Prepare & Submit Proposals
Be prepared.
OCG's standard business hours are 8 am - 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
ALL proposals and applications for funding must be submitted by an OCG Authorized Official within OCG's standard business hours, which may be earlier than the sponsor's published deadline in some cases.
The Office of Contracts and Grants is the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) for the submission of all sponsored research proposals. A proposal is required for all awarded projects.
OCG Proposal Analysts work closely with Principal Investigators (PIs) and Department Administrators, providing expertise in budgeting and proposal preparation to help PIs prepare the best possible, compliant proposal. While Proposal Analysts provide expertise and assistance with this process, it is ultimately the PI's responsibility to be familiar with all of the sponsor’s proposal requirements.
All federal proposals and most sponsored projects funding need to be submitted through OCG. If funding will eventually come through OCG, it is highly recommended that the proposal also go through OCG, even if PIs may submit on their own, to avoid detrimental budget errors and delays in SpeedType set up.
It may be beneficial to contact the sponsor's program officer in advance of the submission to discuss technical ideas. Click here for guidance/best strategies from the Research & Innovation Office (RIO) to discuss technical ideas with program officers.
Get Started Now
Submit a completed PSR form and budget to your Proposal Analyst at least five business days before the deadline.
For a new, renewal, continuation or supplement proposal, send the following two items to your Proposal Analyst at least 5 business days before the deadline:
- The online Proposal Submission Request (PSR) form needs to be completed and routed to your Proposal Analyst. This is the first step that PIs need to complete. For guidance on completing the form, see the PSR Resources or hover over an item with your cursor for a brief description.
- Budget Template - Use the Budget Template to send your Proposal Analyst your project costs. The Detailed Proposal Process provides further guidance on budgets and proposal development. Other Budget Templates are available on the OCG Forms page.
Depending upon the requirements of your proposal, your Proposal Analyst may request additional information and forms, such as cost share, limited indirect costs, subcontracts, GRAs, travel, etc. Our Detailed Proposal Process page provides more detail about preparing proposals and working with OCG.
Specific sponsor information and processes for our frequent funders can be found on our Proposal Essentials by Sponsor page.
Did you receive an award?
Email it right away to for processing.
Find your department's Proposal Analyst in the Unit Directory.
Find Funding
The Research and Innovation Office provides many tools and resources for funding opportunities, including internal funding competitions and limited submissions.
CU Boulder Crowdfunding allows you to raise the funds needed for your academic research on a free campus online fundraising platform.