Bioscience Research | CU Boulder

Stay Informed About Emerging Bioscience Research

Our researchers aim to illuminate the underlying causes of disease, devise solutions and bring new treatments to communities. They're working to transform approaches to modern health care, leading to new drugs, vaccines and materials for repairing worn-out body parts.

Cross-Campus Research Hubs for Biosciences

BioFrontiers Institute
Clinical Translational Research Center
Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Institute of Cognitive Sciences
Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium

Our Researchers Are Improving Human Health By:

Leveraging insights from healthy healing processes to engineer medical solutions that restore damaged tissue

Combating the threat of infectious diseases by examining human viruses and epidemiological modeling

Discovering the mechanisms that drive tissue functional erosion and creating clinical applications to prevent decline

Translating Lab Research Into Real-World Impact


biotech startups with roots at CU Boulder in past 20 years


license and option agreements signed since 2014

Top 50

university for National Science Foundation research funding (National Science Foundation, 2022)

Explore Stories of Boundary-Pushing Bioscience

Scientists at CU Boulder and Princeton University have, for the first time, employed a tool often used in geology to detect the atomic fingerprints of cancer. The findings could give doctors new strategies for studying how cancer grows and spreads.

Imagine a day when joints can heal themselves. The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health awarded up to $39 million to a CU Boulder-led team of scientists to work toward making it a reality.

Scientists from CU Boulder made an important leap forward in the quest to diagnose disease using exhaled breath, reporting that a new laser-based breath analyzer can detect COVID-19 in real time with excellent accuracy.