About People Search
If you find any problems with your listing, please take a look at the guide to the listings below and contact the appropriate department or person for help with your question or problem. If you are not able to find an answer to your question based on the guide to listings below, please contact the ITS Service Center (5-HELP) and describe your question or problem.
Who Is Included in the White Pages
Students at the University of Colorado at Boulder
If you are a student at the University of Colorado, you will be listed in the CU-Boulder white pages if you meet the following criteria:
- You have not requested Full Privacy through the Registrar's Office (see Student Listings)
- You are actively enrolled (based on the current term's enrollment status)
- You have not withdrawn (based on the current term's withdraw status)
- You have an expected return date (for time out students)
- AND your enrollment is with the Boulder campus or as a Boulder Continuing Education credit student
Employees of the University of Colorado at Boulder and the CU System Office
If you are a University of Colorado employee, you will be listed in the CU-Boulder white pages if you meet the following criteria:
- You have at least one appointment that has not ended (based on appointment end date) and that appointment has a status of Active, Leave of Absence, Leave with Pay, Retired with Pay ("Q"), Retired, or Suspended
- Or if you have an appointment that has a status of Short Work Break
- And your appointment that meets these criteria is located in a Boulder campus or CU System Office department. or your record includes a Boulder campus mailing address (UCB campus box number)
Sponsored Affiliates
Certain sponsored affiliates are also included in the directory. These people, including the Regents, are not current employees or students of the University of Colorado at Boulder but they do require campus services.
Guide to Listings
Student Listings
As a student, you have the right to withhold "directory information" from inquirers by selecting a "privacy" or "limited-privacy" option. The privacy option will prevent all directory and enrollment information from being released to all who do not have a clear educational interest for access to this information. The limited-privacy option will prevent the release of directory information to off-campus inquirers and to campus directory services, but is not as restrictive as the privacy option. For more information go to Office of the Registrar: Directory Information.
Requests for privacy designation on the educational record can be made at the Office of the Registrar, Regent 105, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students must bring in proper identification when making these requests.
Requests for limited privacy can be made to the Registrar's office at MyCUInfo.
Information | Comments |
Name | Your name as it is stored in the Student Information System. This information is maintained by the Office of the Registrar. |
Email Address | Your University of Colorado e-mail address. This information is maintained by the ITS Service Center, 303-735-4357, for Boulder Campus e-mail. |
Classification | Your student class level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate, etc.) This information is maintained through the Registrar's Office. |
Primary Major(s) | Your primary major(s) and primary major option(s). This information is maintained through your academic department. |
Primary Minor | Your primary minor. This information is maintained through your academic department. |
Secondary Major(s) | Your secondary major(s) and secondary major option(s). This information is maintained through your academic department. |
Secondary Minor | Your secondary minor. This information is maintained through your academic department. |
Additional Notes for People Who Are Students and Faculty or Staff
Information | Comments |
Name | If you are students and faculty or staff, both the Human Resources system and the Student Information System are checked for name. The name corresponding with your primary affiliation is displayed. |
Office Mailing Address | If your primary affiliation is faculty or staff, and you are also a student or if you are student faculty, your office address is displayed. |
Office Phone Number | If you are faculty/staff and a student, office phone is displayed if your primary affiliation with the campus is as a faculty or staff member or if you are a student faculty. |
Faculty and Staff Listings
Information | Comments |
Name | Your name as it is stored in the Human Resources (HR) system. It should agree with your name as it appears on your Social Security card. This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. |
Home Department | Your "home" department according to the HR system. This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison in the personal data screens. |
Mailing Address (as it appears in the header) | Your campus box number according to the HR system. This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison in the personal data screens. |
Email Address | Your University of Colorado e-mail address. This information is maintained through the ITS Service Center, 303-735-4357. |
Phone Number | Your office "campus 1" phone number from the HR System. This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. It must be formatted as xxx/xxx-xxxx to appear in the White Pages. |
Business Title (as it appears on the first page) | Business Title is displayed for Officers and Professional Exempt on the abbreviated directory listing (the first page returned from the search). This information is related to your position and is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. It is updated in the employment screens. |
Official Title(s) | Job title(s) associated with your job classification(s). Job information selected for display is based upon job status and appointment end date. Your job-related information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. |
Department Name(s) | The department(s) associated with your active job appointment(s). This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. |
Mailing Address | Your campus box number according to the HR system. This information is maintained by your Personnel Liaison. |
Personal Home Page | Your home page url. Automatically updated if your home page resides on an ITS host machine. Contact the ITS Service Center (303-735-4357) if you have questions about your url. |