Conferences and Workshops

Current and Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

Midwest Epistemology Workshop 2024
Contact Brian Talbot
Full schedule here
September 13-15, 2024

Past Conferences


10th Annual Conference of the American Association of Mexican Philosophers (AAMP)
Contact: Raul Saucedo
Full schedule here
September 8-9 2018, Hellems 269

34th Annual Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science (CHPS) Conference: Chance and Probability in Science
Contact: Heather Demarest
Full schedule here
October 12-14, 2018


Concerned Philosophers for Peace Conference (co-sponsored by the Center for Values and Social Policy)
Contact: Alison Jaggar
October 18-20, 2018


Michael Polanyi: A Post-Critical Approach to Truth, Rhetoric and Democracy

 Wednesday November 14th
4:00-6:00 pm in CASE W311
4:00 pm:  Walter Gulick, "Rhetoric and Truth in a Polanyian Perspective"
4:40 pm:  Andrew Grosso, "Case Study: 'Post-Truth' &  Moral Inversion in Soviet Russia"
5:20 pm: Charles Lowney,  "Can Pluralist Democracy Survive 'Post-Truth' Culture?  The Case for Basing Pluralism on 'progress-but-with-risk' Emergentism"
Michael Polanyi, scientist and philosopher, author of The Tacit Dimension, Personal Knowledge, and Science, Faith and Society left his home in Budapest after WWI when the USSR came to control Hungary. He later fled Germany when Hitler came to power. Polanyi saw the emerging Totalitarian and Nazi states as in part motivated--ironically enough--by Enlightenment ideals. His work in theory of knowledge and emergentism act as a response to what went wrong in the 20th century and provides lessons for the 21st. Polanyi's philosophy has been described by Charles Taylor as a viable alternative out of the dilemmas of modernity. This workshop focuses on the application of Polanyi's ideas to the preservation of a free society, and examines the extent to which pluralism and rhetoric should be constrained by a search for singular truth.


Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference (RMPC)
Information to follow
March 8-19, 2019




  • Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference
    17th Annual. Keynote speakers: Sharon Street (New York University), Peter Carruthers (University of Maryland, College Park), Benjamin Morison (Princeton University)
    April 17-18, 2015

  • Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference (RoME)
    8th Annual. Keynote speakers: Richard J. Arneson (UCSD), Shelly Kagan (Yale), Nancy Sherman (Georgetown)
    August 6-9, 2015








Fall 2007-08