Energy Engineering Minor

The minor requirements consist of a selection of technical energy courses, an energy policy/environment course, and a fundamentals-based course. Energy Minor students are also eligible to take an energy engineering projects course, which is comprised of students enrolled in the energy engineering minor and focuses on the design and analysis of energy technologies from a technical, economic, and policy perspective.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Undergraduate CU Boulder students rostered under a major in the College of Engineering & Applied Science.
  • Students should have a minimum CU cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 when applying.

Admission to the minor is by application and is reviewed year-round:

Apply to the Energy Engineering Minor

For many engineering majors, the minor can be completed within the standard curriculum for their major, given a careful selection of elective courses. For example, the required courses meet Humanities & Social Sciences or Technical Electives for many majors. Please contact your academic advisor for assistance with planning.

A GPA of 2.250 or better is required in the courses used to satisfy the requirements for the minor. Each course that is counted towards the requirements must be passed with a D- or better.  Note, however, that at least a C- is required in all prerequisite courses to move on to a subsequent course.

Completion of 18 credit hours is required for the minor, distributed as follows:

All students must take one of the following fundamentals-based courses

  • AREN 3010 Mechanical Systems for Buildings (3 credit hours)
  • CHEN 2120 Materials and Energy Balances (3 credit hours)
  • ECEN 3170 Energy Conversion 1 (3 credit hours)
  • MCEN 3032 Thermodynamics 2 (3 credit hours)


All students must take one of the following energy policy/environment-based courses


Four elective courses (12 credit hours)

  • Additional course options outlined above can apply as elective courses.
  • Note: many students have required courses that will also count towards technical electives for minor

With questions regarding course selection and curating your Energy Engineering minor requirements, please contact the Energy Engineering Minor faculty director, Professor Mike Walker (, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

With questions regarding your Energy Engineering minor degree audit requirements, please contact the Mechanical Engineering Advising Team (


The CU Energy Engineering Minor was initiated through the financial support of ConocoPhillips.


Credit Hours to Earn



Required Courses



Technical Elective Options