Academic Success Resource Library

Elevate Your College Experience.

We want to help you reach your goals. Visit the pages below to connect to resources, articles and tutoring information.

Academic Skills

Articles and resources that offer you vital support to help you reach your academic goals.

Life Skills

Goal setting, productivity tips and more to help you grow throughout your college career and beyond.

Career Development

Resources, tips and events to build your career preparation.

Tutoring Resources

Common Tutoring Resources for all majors and programs.

Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences' Academic Advising and Coaching Academic Success Resource Library! Here you will find two main types of resources: academic skills and life skills. Some of the resources give you specific tools and tips that help you consider new approaches to studying and task management. Other resources contain thought-provoking discussions designed to give you new and helpful ways to approach college.

You will find that the academic and life skills covered are often interconnected, so we recommend exploring many of the resources that this library has to offer.

We hope that this resource library will support you in your academic journey and play a role in helping you achieve your goals!

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Coaching to get your academics on track.

Understand yourself. | Set your goals. | Take control.

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