Anonymous Feedback Form

This form is intended for anonymous feedback related to your experience in the Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering. It is intended to address issues of department culture, leadership and policy. It is not intended to report an emergency or critical situation. Please visit the CU Boulder Don't Ignore It site for concerns involving discrimination, ethics or unwanted sexual behavior.

Please be aware that if any person is named in feedback that relates to sexual misconduct or harassment or discrimination based on a protected class, the information will be forwarded to CU Boulder’s Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (OIEC). You can also report such information directly to OIEC by emailing or through their online reporting form. The CU Boulder Ombuds Office is a resource for talking about concerns or conflicts confidentially with no requirement to report to OIEC. Find more reporting options and resources by visiting Don't Ignore It

If you are providing feedback related to a course, please provide the course number or instructor name if you are comfortable doing so. This information will assist us in addressing your concern.

Indicates required field
Your role in the department community