- Sponsors expect timely submission of progress and/or technical reports as outlined in the award. In fact, many sponsors have improved their report submission systems, created automated tracking of report submissions, and forewarn of consequences to
- The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently announced new measures to protect the research community from harassment. As the primary funding agency of fundamental science and engineering research in the United States, NSF is committed
- The Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) has created an interactive Guide to Sponsor Reporting Requirements that summarizes typical reporting requirements for the most common federal sponsors such as NSF, NIH, NASA grants and others. Specific
- Effective September 1, 2018, CU Boulder adopted policy statements addressing Institutional Base Salary and Summer Salary Limits. Federal requirements, through the Uniform Guidance, require the University to clearly define what is included in
- CU Boulder is committed to protecting the intellectual property and work of our robust research community, and we closely monitor the guidance, directives and information coming from our federal sponsors. NIH recently issued a letter to grantees