CSCI 5573: Advanced Operating Systems
Instructor Fall 2018: Shivakant Mishra
Short Description
This is a graduate course in operating systems intended to create a foundation for operating systems research or advanced professional practice. Topics include thread and process management, virtual memory management, synchronization and communication, file systems, protection and security, operating system structure and extension techniques, virtualization, fault tolerance, and history and experience of systems programming. The course consists of reading papers and class discussions led by students and instructor, home works including programming assignments, one or two exams, and a semester-long team project.
CSCI 3753 and CSCI 4593 or equivalent undergraduate course work in operating systems and computer architecture. These are reasonably firm prerequisites. If you have not taken these courses, you should discuss your situation with me before you enroll in CSCI 5573.
Reading Material
Selected papers from literature.