Published: July 22, 2020

CU Boulder recognizes that many sponsored project personnel are still working remotely during our response to the COVID-19 crisis. Please be advised that such work is not eligible for an off-campus Indirect Cost rate. All personnel working from home or other remote locations right now are still using University computing resources such as common servers and their back-up features, the VPN which requires maintenance, HR services, and the campus is still required to pay applicable administrative salaries in order to continue to operate. Facility services including electricity, security, and maintenance are still being carried out at all buildings on campus.

We hope this situation will be relatively short-lived, and most sponsored project proposals are for periods greater than one year, thus all sponsored project proposal budgets will include the assessment of full Indirect Costs as allowed by the sponsor according to the applicable rates in our federally negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement.

We have also received questions about rates on existing awards. In addition to the information included above for new proposals, please be aware that existing awards are subject to the same indirect cost rate used in the initial proposal and award.