Federal Graduate PLUS Loans

Loan Features

  • This loan requires a credit check. If it is determined that you have an adverse credit history, next steps are listed below.
  • It is possible for a borrower to qualify for a PLUS loan with a bad credit score, so long as they don't have an adverse credit history (i.e., no more than 90 days late on any debt and no defaults, bankruptcies or other adverse action on any Title IV debt).
  • This loan is unsubsidized so interest does accrue while you are in school or in deferment.
  • There is a loan origination fee of 4.228%.
  • Repayment begins 6 months after you graduate, drop below three (3) credit hours in a given semester, or withdraw.
  • You may borrow up to the full cost of your education, less other financial aid received.

Fixed Interest Rates

Date of First DisbursementInterest Rate
7/1/24 to 6/30/259.08%
7/1/23 to 6/30/248.05%
7/1/22 to 6/30/237.54%

Before applying for a Federal PLUS Loan, we recommend you consider these options for paying for college.

  1. Complete the FAFSA. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) has to be done every year.
  2. Accept Your Loan. If you choose to accept a Graduate PLUS loan, accept the loan in the student portal (view instructions).
    • If you don't have a PLUS loan to accept in the portal, contact our office.
    • First-time borrowers also need to complete the Graduate PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) and Entrance Counseling at studentaid.gov.

Note: Loans must be processed by our office by the last day the student is enrolled in at least 3 credit hours.

Use an Endorser

An endorser, similar to a co-signer, must pass a credit check and agree to take the responsibility of the loan if you are unable to pay it. If you choose to obtain an endorser, they will need to complete the endorser addendum at studentaid.gov, which requires the following information:

  • A Federal Student ID username and password.
  • The PLUS Endorser Code (if a Direct PLUS Loan Request was completed) or Loan Identification Number to connect the endorsement to the denied Grad PLUS Loan.
    • The PLUS Endorser Code can be found in the confirmation email received in the denial notice or by logging into studentaid.gov and selecting "Endorse a PLUS Loan" from the "Loans and Grants" tab at the top of the page.
    • Your Loan Identification Number can be obtained by contacting our office at 303-492-5091.

Using an electronic endorser is the fastest way to complete this request. If you choose to complete your request with a paper endorser, you must notify our office when the endorser is approved, or your loan may be delayed.

Submit an Appeal

You can appeal to the Department of Education with proof the credit information used was incorrect or has been corrected or extenuating circumstances relating to the credit history. To appeal log in to studentaid.gov, select "Appeal a Credit Decision" from the "Loans and Grants" tab at the top of the page.

If you qualify for a Direct PLUS Loan after obtaining an endorser or documenting extenuating circumstances, you will be required to complete loan counseling on studentaid.gov.

Consider a Private Loan

Private loans are offered by private lenders and eligibility depends on a credit score.