Desktop Support
The Office of Information Technology's Dedicated Desktop Support (DDS) program supports the Office of Contracts and Grants (OCG) staff computers. When you have a computer hardware or software problem, submit a ticket or send an email to OIT. DDS assists with:
- Solving computer hardware and software problems
- Maintaining our computer systems
- Ensuring our systems are properly backed up and up to date on compliance
Do not request new computers or software purchases through Desktop Support. Any new equipment or software needs should go through your supervisor with final approval from the Director.
Phishing E-mails - Report Suspicious Messages
Phishing is a common type of cyberattack. It targets individuals through the means of email, text messages, phone calls, and other forms of communication. A phishing attack aims to trick the recipient into falling for the attacker’s desired action, which could include revealing sensitive information (I.e. name, social security number, etc.), system login credentials, or opening a malicious attachment or visiting a malicious site.
If you have received a message that you believe could be a malicious attempt to gain personal information you should report it. OIT has several different ways this can be done. Visit their website for the different step-by-step guides.