Kimberly and Buie

Like Falling Off a Log: Lessons in Teamwork and Leadership With Kimberly Kosmenko and Buie Seawell

Feb. 9, 2020

During the Masters of the Environment (MENV) Graduate Program, students take classes that prepare them to be environmental leaders. One key component of leadership is being able to work effectively as part of a team. Throughout the program, students have many opportunities to practice this leadership skill through collaborative projects,...

First Class Skiing

Class of 2020 Reflects on First Semester of MENV Program

Dec. 31, 2019

As the first semester came to a close, I was reflecting on what the past few months have meant to me and how thankful I am of the community around me. Many of us first year students made significant life changes in order to participate in this program, but we...


MENV Student Jonah Seifer is published in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance

Nov. 17, 2019