Jojo La

Jojo serves as the Director for Colorado’s Environmental Boards and Commissions. She directs, administers, and provides policy, legislative, and regulatory support to the decision-making bodies that set standards and regulations in Colorado, including the Water Quality Control Commission and Air Quality Control Commission. In this role, Jojo represents the Commissions and designs and recommends strategies and solutions on complex policy or regulatory positions in compliance with statutory requirements.

Jojo formerly served as the State's Endangered Species Policy Specialist for the Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board. She managed the State's participation in Endangered Species Act recovery programs and served as Colorado's representative to the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, the Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program, and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. In this role, she focused on congressional authorizations, funding, water management, and technical aspects of the programs. Other duties included recovery and preventing the listing of endangered, threatened, or candidate species and Wild and Scenic Rivers matters.