Professors Shelly Miller and Nina Vance, along with Miller's daughter, Renee Leiden, produced a video explaining how the transmission of respiratory infections can occur. They reveal that there are three ways someone susceptible to infection can contract a virus: contact transmission, spray of large particles and airborne transmission. Contact transmission occurs when someone susceptible to infection touches a surface that has been contaminated by a virus and then touches their eyes, mouth or nose. They said COVID-19 is not highly likely to spread in this way. A person can also become infected when a spray of large particles, or droplets, fly out of an infected person's mouth or nose and land on the eyes, nose or mouth of someone who is susceptible to infection. Airborne transmission occurs when the virus is suspended in particles in the air. Animal studies, superspreading events and air sampling have shown that COVID-19 is transmitted in this way.
Watch the video below to learn more about the transmission of respiratory infections and how to mitigate these risks.