Day 6 Monday June 14, 2021 (GMT)

Topic: GenomicSEM

Lead Faculty: Michel G. Nivard & Andrew D. Grotzinger

Daily lecture, to be watched before the tutorial sessions.

The total duration of videos in this section is 1:58:57.

Discussions about the day's topic should go in the #genomicsem Slack channel.

The slides for these lectures are available as PDF files: Genomic SEM Introduction, Lavaan syntax and SEM introduction, Sumstats and GWAS Functions, GWAS by subtraction,

The lectures for this topic are all in the Genomic SEM playlist

The individual videos are linked below

1 Genomic SEM Introduction
2 Lavaan syntax and SEM introduction
3 Explaining how S and V are estimated and what they are
4a Working through the examples on the wiki one by one: munge; ldsc; usermodel functions
4b Working through the examples on the wiki one by one: sumstats and GWAS functions
5 GWAS by subtraction