Topic: Heritability and GCTA
Lead Faculty: Loic Yengo
Guest Lecturer: Hilary K. Finucane
Daily lecture, to be watched before the tutorial sessions.
The total duration of videos in this section is 01:54:45.
Slides for the heritability lectures are available in a PDF file.
Discussions about the day's topic should go in the #heritability-and-gcta Slack channel.
The individual videos are linked below.
Heritability of individual level data - Welcome message, part 0
Heritability of individual level data - Introduction, part 1
Heritability of individual level data - Concepts and tools, part 2
Heritability of individual level data - Methods, part 3
Heritability of individual level data - Interpretation, part 4
Heritability of individual level data - Overview of research topics, part 5
LD score regression