Jamie Kowalski
- Ph.D.
- 2008 Best Student Paper Award at the International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage
- McLeod, R. R, Peng, H., Nair, D. P, Kowalski, B. A, Bowman, C. N, "Holographic recording in two-stage networks," Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, pp. 1023304, 2017
- Kowalski, B. A, Sullivan, A. C, Alim, M. D, McLeod, R. R, "Predictive modeling of two-component holographic photopolymers," Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, pp. 102330N, 2017
- B. A. Kowalski, R. R. McLeod, “Design concepts for diffusive holographic photopolymers,” J. Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54, 1021-1035, 2016
- Alim, M., Kowalski, B., Bowman, C., McLeod, R., "Investigating the effects of a low refractive index counter-diffusive component in two-chemistry holographic photopolymer," Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society˘, pp. , 2015
- Kowalski, B. A, McLeod, R. R, "Quantitative roadmap of holographic media performance," Optical Data Storage 2015, pp. 958707, 2015
- H. Peng, C. Wang, W. Xi, B. A Kowalski, T. Gong, X. Xie, W. Wang, D. P. Nair, R. R. McLeod, C. N. Bowman, Facile Image Patterning via Sequential Thiol-Michael/Thiol-Yne Click Reactions, Chemistry of Materials 26, pp. 6819–6826, 2014.
- Benjamin A. Kowalski, Adam C. Urness, Martha-Elizabeth Baylor, Michael C. Cole, William L. Wilson, Robert R. McLeod, Quantitative modeling of the reaction/diffusion kinetics of two-component diffusive photopolymers,” Optics Materials Express 4, pp. 1668-1682, 2014.
- H. Peng, D. P. Nair, B. A. Kowalski, W. Xi, T. Gong, C. Wang, M. Cole, N. B. Cramer, X. Xie, R. R. McLeod, and C. N. Bowman, High performance graded rainbow holograms via two-stage sequential orthogonal thiol-click chemistry,” Macromolecules, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 2306–2315, 2014.
- Ben Kowalski, Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, Quantitative modeling of the reaction/diffusion kinetics of two-chemistry photopolymers, University of Colorado, 2014.
- McLeod, R. R, Kowalski, B. A, Cole, M. R, "Rational design of photopolymer materials for holographic data storage," Photonics Conference (IPC), 2013 IEEE, pp. 661-662, 2013
- McLeod, R. R, Kowalski, B. A, Cole, M., "Subdiffraction microholograms in a single-photon, uniformly inhibited system," Joint International Symposium on Optical Memory and Optical Data Storage, pp. OWA2, 2011
- McLeod, R. R, Kowalski, B. A, Cole, M. C, "Two-color photo-initiation/inhibition lithography," Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics III, pp. 759102, 2010
- McLeod, R. R, Kowalski, B. A, Cole, M. C, "Two-color photo-initiation," Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, pp. , 2010
- T. F. Scott, B. A. Kowalski, A. C. Sullivan, C.N. Bowman, R. R. McLeod, Two-Color Single-Photon Photoinitiation and Photoinhibition for Sub-diffraction Photolithography, Science 324, 913-917, 2009.Supplementary information
- Kowalski, B. A, Scott, T. F, Bowman, C. N, Sullivan, A. C, McLeod, R. R, "Exceeding the diffraction limit with single-photon photopolymerization and photo-induced termination," Organic 3D Photonics Materials and Devices II, pp. 70530E, 2008
- Adam Urness
- Amy Sullivan
- Anna Linnenberger
- Archish Muralidharan
- Arlo Marquez-Grap
- Callie (Fiedler) Higgins
- Camila Uzcategui
- Charlie Rackson
- Chunfang Ye
- Cotton Anderson
- Darren Forman
- Darren Liu
- David Glugla
- David Miller
- Dr. Robert McLeod
- Eric Moore
- Jacob Friedlein
- Jamie Kowalski
- Johnny Hergert
- Keith Kamysiak
- Mark Ayres
- Martha Bodine
- Marvin Alim
- Megan Renny
- Sarah Walter
- Gabe Seymour