- Sydney Kobak, a graduating senior, has been recognized by the college for her academic engagement, including balancing her classwork with a startup venture and her leadership in the Integrated Design Engineering program.
- The CU Trailblazers are Native students in the College of Engineering and Applied Science who, over the course of nine months, built and launched an eight-foot high-powered rocket for the First Nations Launch competition. They bonded over the project and the intertribal community they fostered as they became rocketry experts.
- Davey Aguiar, Coordinator of BOLD Programs & Student Engagement in The BOLD Center reflects on what 'Pride' means to them, the need to remember and honor previous generations of LGBTQ+ people for their sacrifices and contributions, and how embracing their femininity has brought healing and liberation.
- Graduating senior and BOLD Scholar Joelle Westcott (CivEngr'22) has been recognized by the College of Engineering with a Global Engagement Award and a Research Award for her engineering photography and research projects.
- Graduating senior and BOLD scholar Jacqueline Rodriguez Mora (ChemBioEngr'22) has been recognized by the College of Engineering with the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Award for her peer mentorship involvement with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and support of International Women's Day in 2021.
- A Q&A with Ahmed Ashmaig (MechEngr'23) who has been recognized as someone who seeks to enhance cross-cultural awareness and a greater appreciation for diversity, going above and beyond in advocating for and facilitating cultural programming and having an impact far beyond the original source.
- Graduating senior Katelynn Thammavong (ChemBioEngr '22) has been recognized with a Community Impact award for her work to connect and empower Asian-heritage STEM students and disrupt anti-Asian racism during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Anthony Pimentel (EVEN'21) was awarded one of three Research graduate awards His efforts have focused on new water treatment options and sustainable technologies to reduce the environmental impact of water infrastructure. His path to research
- Leah Rivera (EnvEngr’'21) is the rare recipient of two awards bestowed by the College of Engineering and Applied Science: the Community Impact Award and the Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Award.
- Keith Molenaar is a first-generation college graduate and the acting dean of the College of Engineering and Applied science. His journey through college relied on the encouragement of his parents and the friends who supported him.