Software Electives (required for ECE majors only)
Other classes may be considered for the Software Elective requirement via petition.
- ECEN 3002 - Special Topics: Real-Time Operating Systems
- ECEN 3303 - Introduction to Robotics
- ECEN 3753 - Real-Time Operating Systems (only for students in the Fall 2019 catalog year and earlier)
- ECEN 4033 - Special Topics: Cryptocurrency Security
- ECEN 4133 - Fundamentals of Computer Security
- ECEN 4313 - Concurrent Programming
- ECEN 4322 - Data and Network Science
- ECEN 4553 - Compiler Construction
- ECEN 4763 - Embedded Software Algorithms
- CSCI 3002 - HCC Foundations/User-Centered Development & Design
- CSCI 3104 - Algorithms
- CSCI 3202 - Intro to Artificial Intelligence
- CSCI 3287 - Design and Analysis of Data Systems
- CSCI 3302 - Introduction to Robotics
- CSCI 3308 - Software Development Methods and Tools
- CSCI 4113 - Linux Systems and Administration
- CSCI 4253 - Datacenter Scale Computing - Methods, Systems and Techniques
- CSCI 4273 - Network Systems
- CSCI 4413 - Computer Security and Ethical Hacking
- CSCI 4446 - Chaotic Dynamics