Approved Course Substitutions
- APPM 1350 Calculus 1
- MATH 1300 Calculus 1
- APPM 1360 Calculus 2
- MATH 2300 Calculus 2
- APPM 2350 Calculus 3
- MATH 2400 Calculus 3
- APPM 2360 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
- MATH 2130/2135 Linear Algebra and MATH 3430 Ordinary Differential Equations
- ECEN 1100 Exploring ECE
- AREN 1316 Introduction to Architectural Engineering
- ASEN 1000 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Sciences
- BMEN 1000 Exploring Biomedical Engineering
- CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
- CSCI 1000 Computer Science as a Field of Work and Study
- CVEN 1317 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering
- EVEN 1000 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- Especially for Transfer students, additional Technical Elective credit can satisfy ECEN 1100
- ECEN 1400 Engineering Projects
- GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects
- Any department Engineering Projects class
- Especially for Transfer students, additional Technical Elective credits can satisfy ECEN 1400
- ECEN 1310 Programming in C
- CSCI 1300 Starting Computing
- ASEN 1320 Aerospace Computing and Engineering Applications
- ECEN 2250 Circuits and Electronics
- Only for students pursuing an ECEE minor: ECEN 3010 or MCEN 3017 Circuits and Electronics for Mechanical Engineers
- Only for students pursuing an ECEE minor: GEEN 3010 Circuits for Engineers
- ECEN 2360 Programming Digital Systems
- CSCI 2400 Computer Systems
- ECEN 3350 Programming Digital Systems (discontinued as of Fall 2020)
- ECEN 2370 Embedded Software Engineering
- ECEN 3360 Digital Design Laboratory (discontinued as of Fall 2020)
- ECEN 2703 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Engineers
- APPM 3170 Discrete Applied Mathematics
- MATH 2001 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
- CSCI 2824 Discrete Structures
- ECEN 3810 Probability
- APPM 3750 Applied Probability
- STAT 3100 Applied Probability
- MATH 4510 Introduction to Probability
- Requisite for MATH 4510 includes MATH 2130 or 3130 or MATH 2135 or 3135 Linear Algebra, not APPM 2360 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations. Students who do not meet prerequisites may connect with the instructor and the Math department ( to request permission.
- ECEN 3753 Real-Time Operating Systems
- CSCI 3753 Design and Analysis of Operating Systems