RIO Bulletin: October 24, 2023
Limited Submissions
- Due 11/1: Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists
- Due 11/1: DOE Innovative DEsigns for high-performAnce Low-cost HVDC Converters
- Due 11/6: NSF Management of Operation and Maintenance of the National Geophysical Facility
- Due 11/6: Brain Research Foundation Seed Grants
- Due 11/6: W.M. Keck Foundation Research Grants
- Due 11/9: DOE Atmospheric System Research
- Due 11/13: NSF National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Institutes (Group 2)
- Due 11/27: ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
- Due 12/4: Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards
- Due 12/4: Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering
- Due 1/8: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)
Select Funding Opportunities
- Due 11/2 (Abstract): DARPA Intrinsic Cognitive Security
- Due 11/7: Gates Grand Challenge: Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use to Improve Global Health
- Note: If interested, email Andrew Chiacchierini.
- Due 11/24: Hevolution Advancing Geroscience Efforts
- Due 11/28: NIH ARPA-H Biomedical Data Fabric Toolbox
- Due 12/1 (Pre-Proposal): American Heart Association Innovative Project Award
- Due 12/11 (NOI): NASA FireSense Implementation Team (ROSES 2023)
- Due 1/22: Research & Innovation Seed Grant
- Due 1/31: NSF Biological Anthropology Program Senior Research Awards
- Due 2/1: NSF Cognitive Neuroscience
- Due 2/14: NSF Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence
- Due 3/1: NSF Mid-Career Advancement
- Note: If interested, email Diane Carillo.
- 10/25: Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) Pilot Grant Program Lunch & Learn
- 10/25: SBIR/STTR Day: Funding Your Latest Innovation
- 11/2: CCTSI Research Ethics Conference: Beyond Misconduct: Creating a Culture of Excellence & Equity in Research
- 11/3: National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee
- 11/6: Find Funding with Dimensions: Q&A
- 11/8: RIO Seed Grant Info Session
- 11/9: DOE Early-Career Webinar
- 11/14: Data Management Plan Workshop: New Requirements Pertinent to All Funders (NIH, NSF, NEH)
- 11/14–15: U.S. Census Bureau Virtual Workshop on Race, Ethnicity and Inequality
- 12/5: RIO Funding Strategy Office Hours
Awards & Fellowships
- Due 11/30: Bogliasco Fellowships for Arts and Humanities
- Due 12/1: Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award
- Due 12/6: Center for International Security and Cooperation Fellowships
- Due 1/15: Grawemeyer Award in Religion
- Due 1/15: NEH Fellowships for Conducting Field-Based Humanities Research in Palestine
- Due 1/17: Library Research Grants
- Due 1/19: Grawemeyer Award for Music
- Due 1/31: Social Science Research Council Just Tech Fellowship
News You Need
- AB Nexus transforming intercampus research collaboration after just three years
- October Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter now available
- Applications due 11/1 for the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship for Faculty Diversity
- NSF seeking panelists for Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention
- NSF DCL: Capacity Building for Collaborations to Address Climate Change Impacts on Human Health
- Are you a health researcher? Join the CCTSI